St. Christopher


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Saint Christopher — whose name means “Christ carrier” is the only Catholic patron saint of travel safety, and this is one of his common prayers:

Prayer for Motorists

Grant me O Lord a steady hand and watchful eye.
That no one shall be hurt as I pass by.
Thou gravest life, I pray no act of mine may take away
or mar that gift of Thine.
Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company,
From the evils of fire and all calamity.
Teach me to use my car for others’ need;
Nor miss through love of undue speed
the beauty of the world; that thus I may
with joy and courtesy go on my way.
St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers,
protects me and led me safely to my destiny.

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Dimensions0.0000 × 0.0000 × 31.0000 cm